Quarantine Shuffle

Well this is not the year that I anticipated; it’s not the year anyone anticipated! I don’t know about anyone else, but phrases like “social distancing,” “the new normal,” “flatten the curve, ” etc. are on my nerves. I get it. I know that everything is different. I know that there are so many things that will either never be the same or not go back to what I was used to for a long time. I can handle that, kind of.

I hate not being able to see people on a regular basis. I hate feeling chastised for exercising outdoors. I hated the weather being so cold in PA for so long — snow in MAY - what gives?!?!

We are all in a terrible situation, there is no right answer to any of this, we all have opinions, and we all have feelings. We are all trying to survive to the best of our ability, me included. I was holding on, and then last week I finally broke. What made me break? I had three races cancelled in one day. This doesn’t seem like a lot to most. In fact, it sounds really selfish. But let me tell you why it’s not.

Exercise had been a way for me to “forget” the bad and really awful in my life for a little while. (Some things I’ve never shared because I’m not ready to do so.) It gave me a mental escape and helped me to be a better parent and person.

Swimming in pools was taken away. I dealt with it. I did “dryland swimming”. Exercises with bands that mimicked swimming strokes so I wouldn’t lose those muscles.

I made sure to do yoga and strength training to increase my flexibly (which is already pretty good) and my muscle mass, which is always a good thing in any athletic sport.

I continued to run and bike because I could. I would run outside, but cycle on my trainer because the weather wasn’t pleasant and I didn’t want to worry about falling and breaking anything or getting hit by a car — even though there were less on the road.

My running mileage increased and it felt good … until I finally had to face the fact I developed plantar fasciitis. There goes running, guess I can’t ignore it any longer.

I kept trying to stay on top of everything, and I was for awhile, but once I was injured it was hard. I would still do workouts that I was able to do, but I didn’t have the same spirit I had. I didn’t have races to shoot for - all I felt were lost causes. I felt like a lost cause again, and my mental status was declining.

Then it hit me - just last night. I didn’t get in this for the races. I don’t do this for the competition - though I love it. I do it for the love of the journey, the training, the exercise, the mental release, the physical gains, the ability of being able to do it.

Now What

I’ve decided I’m going to make my new list of goals to reach towards.

This pandemic sucks, without a doubt, but I’m going to take charge of me and tell it to kiss my ass! (safely of course, I will not be spreading anything!)

My Words of Wisdom (take them or not)

  • Feel what you feel, there is nothing wrong it

  • Please remember everyone is doing their best, even if you don’t agree with it

  • If you’re able, find something that makes YOU happy

  • You got this; I believe in you!



I did me. I didn’t get the real feeling of wanting to workout again until December. That was practically six months of not being consistent. I volunteered where I could, and I stayed in the athletic community to support others, but I just didn’t “have it” myself. And looking back, I’m okay with it. I had enough other stress to deal with.

But now, I’m back at it